
blog bienfaits propolis
Nov 29, 2022
Propolis is a natural substance that bees produce from the sap of plants and trees. It is often used as a sealant for their hives. Propolis has been used for many years in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including colds, sore throats and allergies.
Les plantes contre le stress
Apr 13, 2022
Plants against anxiety, stress, nervousness We know that plants have multiple virtues, but did you...
La Nacre dans les compléments alimentaires pour lutter contre l'ostéoporose.
Dec 15, 2021
In this Pleine Forme blog article we are going to offer you as complete an update as possible on what we call “mother-of-pearl” used in the food supplement industry to regenerate bones and cartilage... Read more
Mycothérapie, à la découverte des champignons qui soignent.
Aug 19, 2021
In this article we will take a closer look at what mycotherapy is, when to use it, how to choose the right supplement and which mushrooms to use depending on the pathologies. Mycotherapy or mushrooms for therapeutic purposes, what are they?
Conseils pour perdre du poids sainement et rôles des plantes dans la minceur
Apr 10, 2021
In this article, we will give you advice that will allow you to lose weight sustainably or lose weight without depriving yourself and by adopting a healthy and balanced diet. We are going to talk more about dietary rebalancing than diet. Rebalancing your diet is never an easy thing, first of all because you will question your nutritional habits and above all because you will have to prepare yourself to stick to your new habits over the long term. We are going to give you some tips to avoid stress and anxiety when losing weight.
5 conseils simples pour retrouver le sommeil.
Feb 09, 2021
Whether agitated, light or paradoxical, sleep disorders are very common! Find out in this article how to solve your sleep problems with simple tips for sleeping well. Healthy lifestyle, plants, relaxation, natural remedies and finally restful sleep! Good reading !