Bol d’Air Jacquier Conference – 10 a.m. or 3 p.m. – Saturday February 25, 2023
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Conference: Bol d’Air Jacquier + Free discovery session
Duration: 1 hour
Date/times: Saturday February 25 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. or from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: PLEINE FORME store 10 rue de la grandiere Tours Center
Discover the advantages and benefits of a Bol d'Air Jacquier session with Marie, dietitian and naturopathy advisor.
The main principles:
The Bol d'air optimizes the oxygenation of the body. It increases and maintains our ability to assimilate the oxygen normally breathed. The Bol d'air thus contributes to maintaining good health.
Goal: breathe more efficiently
Our ability to use oxygen from the air decreases due to many factors such as pollution, living conditions, stress, aging, illness...
The Bol d'air provides a solution to the resulting cellular under-oxygenation (hypoxia).
When we breathe, oxygen penetrates deep into the alveoli of the lungs. It binds to hemoglobin in an unstable manner and forms oxyhemoglobin with it.
Oxyhemoglobin, transported by the blood throughout the body, releases its oxygen to the cells in an assimilable form. It re-oxygenates by returning to the lungs and the cycle begins again.
In the air we breathe, even in cases of extreme pollution, oxygen is constantly available and its concentration has been 21% for millennia. If our cells lack oxygen, it is our ability to use it that is to blame.
A full-scale solution
René Jacquier had noted that since Antiquity, places of health had been located in pine and fir forests. From observations to experiments, he found the answer to his questions in the species of the Landes pine (Pinus pinaster).
The role of pine oil
Pine resin oil, rich in alpha and beta pinenes, is composed of unsaturated aromatic molecules that provide the possibility of additional chemical bonding.
In the atmosphere and under certain physical and meteorological conditions, they become highly charged with oxygen, which makes them very reactive.
It is from this natural phenomenon that René Jacquier imagined the Bol d'air solution: using the essential oil of pine resin (turpentine), to create an oxygen carrier.
If you cancel within 48 hours, the conference will not be refunded.
In the event of cancellation on our part we will refund you in full.