Bona Mel

Bona Mel

Bona Mel represents the third generation of a family dedicated to beekeeping, who chose to perpetuate the legacy of their ancestors by engaging in the production of organic honey and other beehive products since 1990. We harvest exclusively our honey from our own hives, scattered in different regions of Spain and from our partners in Romania.

We offer our customers a wide range of top quality organic honeys, produced, elaborated and packaged by our own beekeepers, from Organic Farming in the Valencian Community and from different certified areas in Spain. In our beekeeping approach, we support organic principles at every stage of our production process, preserving biodiversity, respecting the environment and soil fertility.

All our honey, pollen and derived products are harvested from natural parks located in the Spanish mountains, at altitudes between 800 and 2,000 meters. Only two varieties of honey come from Romania, where we collaborate with experienced beekeepers who work according to the same principles as us. At Bona Mel we have a team of professional and experienced beekeepers, guaranteeing the quality of our products and offering a wide selection of organic honeys of exquisite flavor and superior quality.

We attach great importance to bees, which play a fundamental role in the ecosystem and the food chain. The organic honey that we offer meets strict certification requirements, thus guaranteeing its best nutritional, health and organoleptic quality, without any chemical residue.

Transparency of origin is an essential characteristic of Bona Mel, as we offer all the necessary information on our organic honeys, allowing full traceability from the hive to the final product, testifying to the superior quality of our products. The solid, crystallized and raw consistency of our honey is the sign of a natural product of exceptional purity, the result of appropriate packaging and non-industrial processing processes offered by Bona Mel.

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