Golden Cricket

Golden Cricket

Once upon a time, in 1989, Gérard Le Goff took out his first organic mueslis from his wood-fired oven, thus marking the beginning of the Grillon d'Or adventure.

After 30 years of growth, we have evolved considerably and today we produce all kinds of organic cereals to make your breakfast a source of pleasure and indulgence! Our first production site was opened in Brittany, closely followed by those in Normandy and New Aquitaine.

Today, we are proud to offer you a range of gourmet, daring and above all organic products. You can find them in specialized organic stores such as Biocoop, NaturéO, Naturalia, as well as in cooperatives like Accord Bio. Our products are available near you!

We are committed to producing high quality cereals, from organic farming, in order to promote a healthy and environmentally friendly diet. At Grillon d'Or, we strongly believe in the value of organic produce and strive to support local, sustainable farmers.

Our passion for organic cereals pushes us to constantly innovate, creating new flavors and using superior quality ingredients. We work carefully to offer you delicious products, while respecting our ethical and environmental values.

Thanks to your support and trust, we are continuing our mission to offer you organic, healthy and delicious products, so that every breakfast is a moment of pleasure and well-being. Grillon d'Or's great adventure continues, and we are delighted to share our passion for organic cereals with you!

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The highest price is €4,75 Reset

2 products