
Acorelle was born in 2006 near Agen, in the heart of Lot et Garonne, a department where the value of the land resonates deeply for its inhabitants.

It therefore seemed obvious to us to work to respect this surrounding nature and to pay homage to it by creating natural and organic cosmetic products. We even use ingredients from our region in some of our products: plum oil, thermal water, etc.

We owe this initiative to Régis Lelong, who with 15 years of experience in conventional beauty, decided to go green by creating the Odysud laboratory and giving it this organic boost. Driven by real conviction and with a very clear vision of the market, he guides us on a daily basis towards ever greater ethics and sincerity.

A fan of vegetarian cuisine thanks to his wife and convinced of the essential aspect of more sustainable consumption, he has the desire to make Acorelle a committed and always independent brand.   

The founder                       


"Acorelle is a young brand which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2016. The somewhat idealistic ambition which carried us yesterday has become a reality. We know how to make organic cosmetic products which protect our health and preserve our environment. They are often less spectacular in their promises and their immediate effects but are always respectful of you, our customers who trust us Sincere, diligent but also creative and generous, we will continue to progress to grow Acorelle and its partners in the organic sector; commits me to it."


The highest price is €33,50 Reset

16 products