FAQ-frequently asked questions


How do I place my order on the Pleine Forme online store?

To place an order on the Pleine Forme store, simply browse the site by accessing the products offered in the different categories. You can browse by searching by item type or brand or use the search bar. Then choose the items you wish to purchase by clicking on “Add to cart”. Once your products are in the basket, you can check the contents by clicking on the basket, then let yourself be guided by clicking on the “Payment” button. Your order is prepared in a maximum of 48 working hours in our physical store, then delivered to the post office at 4:30 p.m. (colissimo) depending on the delivery method and country you have chosen. Delivery times are then between 2 and 4 days or 2 to 10 days (depending on the option chosen) after your order is handed over to the carrier.

What are the processing times for my order?

All your orders are shipped within 48 hours (while stock lasts).

Delivery times are then between 2 and 5 days after your order is handed over to the carrier.

You will be kept informed by email of the preparation and shipping of your package.

How do I know where my order is?

We will send you a confirmation email a few minutes after validation of your order. In this email you will find the summary of your order as well as a tracking number allowing you to follow the status of your order. Your order will go through the following statuses: "Validated", "In preparation" and finally "Shipped".

When your package is delivered to the carrier, you will also receive a new email telling you that your package has been delivered to the carrier, in which a package tracking number will allow you to follow its journey.

How can I cancel or modify my order?

Currently it is not possible to cancel your order. Indeed, as soon as payment is validated, your order is sent to be prepared in our physical store in Tours in order to ship it to you as soon as possible. However, if you still wish to cancel your order, we invite you to contact us as soon as possible by telephone at or by email dietpleineformetours@gmail.com , in which case we will reimburse you if the order is still with us. Following your order you can always call us to modify the contents of your basket, either we will refund you if you wish to remove an item, or we will send you a payment link if you wish to add an item.

Need help ?

For any request, you can contact our Customer Service by email at dietpleineformetours@gmail.com or by telephone at Monday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


What payment methods are accepted?

We accept payment by credit card, visa, Mastercard, American express. We also accept digital wallets like Paypal, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay and soon Shop Pay

How is payment secure?

The Pleine Forme online store uses the Stripe secure payment e-Commerce solution, recognized by the main players in the financial world. This has been developed so that you can make your payments in an ergonomic and friendly environment, with optimal security and respect for privacy. Stripe is the payment solution adopted by several thousand e-commerce sites. Stripe is certified to the highest industry standards and has received regulatory approvals worldwide. Learn more: https://stripe.com/docs/security

Need help ?

For any request, you can contact our Customer Service by email at dietpleineformetours@gmail.com or by telephone at Monday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


What are the delivery methods, times and prices?

We offer three delivery methods for France:

Colissimo relay point

€0.00 and more

€6.55 EUR

SHIPPING COSTS 2 to 4 working days


€8.00 EUR

SHIPPING 7 to 10 working days


€6.55 EUR

free shipping



-Click & Collect: Free


Shipping fees

€18.00 EUR

For Europe:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden:

Condition Transit Time Price

Colissimo relay point €13.10 EUR

Standard International €0.00–€60.00 2 to 8 working days €16.20 EUR

Standard International €60.00–€200.00 2 to 8 working days €13.10 EUR

For international

Standard International €200.00–€100,000.00 2 to 8 working days Free

Delivery rates: They are calculated automatically when you order depending on the delivery method and country you choose and you can view this amount in your basket.

What should I do if I don't receive my order?

If your order is not delivered on time, the problem then comes from the carrier, contact us by telephone at or by email at the following address dietpleineformetours@gmail.com , we will automatically initiate a verification procedure with the carrier, in the meantime we will make a new delivery identical to the last one.

What should I do if my product is damaged or if I have not received the ordered product?

If you encounter any problem, contact us at

How does the relay point system work?

Once your purchase has been made, a window opens and reveals a map of your region, located at the location closest to you. All you have to do is select the relay point of your choice.Click on the sheet of the selected relay point, the times of the relay point are indicated, all you have to do is click on “deliver to this address”.

It is possible to enlarge this map and choose a relay point anywhere in France.

information and services

How can I contact Customer Service for my online store?

For any request, you can contact our Customer Service by email at dietpleineformetours@gmail.com or by telephone at Monday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like advice.