
Betsara the brand specializing in organic Ravintsara.

Who are the Ravintasra, Betsara specialists?

These are three childhood friends producing Ravintsara. With Tahina, a Franco-Malagasy friend, they created BETSARA, an ethical business around Ravintsara and Ravintsara essential oil. Tahina launched her production on her family's land 10 years ago and Betsara wanted to promote and distribute her products. Deeply keen to respect Malagasy traditions, respect nature and encourage work in its village, the company does everything by hand. Tahina and her team (Rambinina, Ratsimba and Léon) in Madagascar carry out harvest maintenance and processing and Teddy and Tristan take care of bottling, labeling and distribution. Tahina, Teddy and Tristan

How to start the Betsara Ravintsara specialist adventure?

Tahina SPIRAL, a Franco-Malagasy born in Grenoble, returned to her country of origin to start her Ravintsara plantation on her family's land in November 2009. The plantation is located in Sahambavy in the Fianarantsoa region on the island of Madagascar. The same year, he created his company: SARL GARCILASIO. Its first harvest took place in April 2011. The oil produced, tested by aromatologists in France, is of very high quality. After the sale of his first oils, he discovered the conditions of Malagasy producers facing large groups of exporters. Surprised and disappointed by the lack of respect for Malagasy work, he joined a group of people to create the PNPF Ravintsara with other producers (National Platform for the Promotion of the Ravintsara Industry), with the aim of revaluing the work of producers in the face of exporters and create a single language on Ravintsara production (same terms). He became president (2011 – 2012). During this period, they put in place the upgrading of producers' knowledge on working methods (planting and processing). At the same time, he decided to think about selling his products directly in France.

He thus wants to promote the know-how of Malagasy work and the quality of its products. To do this, he got back in touch with his childhood friend in Grenoble, Tristan IMBERT, to make his project a reality. After a few years of reflection, discussions and preparation of the project enriched with training, Tristan left his job in September 2014 to launch into the project. Through his network, Tristan meets many therapists who support him in his project because they like the quality of the oil. Thus, Tristan, in great collaboration with his friend Tahina, opened the SARL Akal NIVAS on French soil and created the BE TSARA brand in April 2015 in France. In 2018, finally, after a long wait from his two friends, Teddy DACHET, the third T of the gang of three who have known each other since the age of three, finally joined the team and became completely associated with the company. He is the one who takes care of customer relations. In Madagascar, Tahina works with three men with whom he has forged bonds of trust, a real sense of teamwork and sharing: Rambinina, Ratsimba and Léon.

What is Ravintsara?

Ravintsara is a camphor tree, from the laurel family, with evergreen leaves that have yellow flowers and small red berries. This camphor tree is particularly known for being part of the composition of tiger balm . Originally from China, ravintsara was established in Madagascar more than a century ago. The Malagasy climate and terroir have allowed it to develop different properties and benefits in the use of its leaves . Its name, ravintsara, comes from the Malagasy translation which means “good leaf”, “ravin” for leaf and “tsara” for good!

The use of ravintsara leaf would make it possible to fight against various ailments of the body and to help strengthen the immune system in the event of a viral infection. This plant can be used in different forms, the best known being ravintsara essential oil . But BE TSARA Producer of ravinstara oil and infusion also offers you various variations in balm or massage oil or whole leaves to dilute them in infusion or even in floral water or perfume.
Its use in aromatherapy would also relieve the respiratory tract against seasonal ailments.

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