Papae's Bees

Papae's Bees

The Pleine Forme store is delighted to present Les Abeilles de Papae, a project led by Gaëlle CAVELIER and Romain HENRY since the 2000s.

This farm located in Lémeré in Indre-et-Loire, between Richelieu, Chinon and Île-Bouchard, is a starting point, a physical space and freedom where we give life to our experiences, our desires and perhaps even our necessities.

Being a farmer means, above all, producing. Our main agricultural activity consists of breeding bees and producing honey from scratch. We started with no road access, no water, no electricity, no farm building or even a house. We were simply lucky enough to own around ten hectares made up of abandoned vines, arable land and woods, all in an old wine estate.

We bought this land in 2010 and in 2012 we set up as beekeepers and created Les Abeilles de Papae. Work began in 2013.

We produce honey thanks to our 200 hives, 100 hives and around fifty nuclei. Our herd will not expand further, because we firmly believe that “3 farms are better than one”.

Our agricultural model is inspired by Peasant Agriculture defended by the Confédération Paysanne. We are convinced that peasant agriculture is the only possible way to make a transition towards a sustainable system for our planet.

At Pleine Forme, we are proud to support Les Abeilles de Papae and to offer you their products from this committed peasant agriculture. Discover our quality honeys and help preserve bees and our environment.

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