
Organic whole grain long rice Italy-1kg-Priméal


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Organic whole grain rice

Discover Organic Wholegrain Long Rice Italy, 1kg from Priméal.

Description of Organic Wholegrain Long Rice Italy, from Priméal.

Organic whole grain rice from Italy from the Priméal brand is a premium quality rice, grown according to the principles of organic farming in Italy.

This brown rice retains its outer covering, called bran, which gives it a firmer texture and a more pronounced taste compared to white rice. It is appreciated for its richness in fiber, vitamins and minerals, which makes it an ideal choice for a healthy and balanced diet.

Discover the pleasure of tasting high quality whole grain rice, grown with respect for the environment.

How to cook organic Italian whole grain long rice, from Priméal?

Detailed preparation tips

Rinse and cook 1 volume of rice in 2 volumes of water, covered, for 30 minutes. Season with salt before serving.

Priméal's organic whole grain long rice from Italy can be cooked in different ways. It can be used as an accompaniment to savory dishes such as stews, curries, stews or salads. Its firm texture and characteristic taste add a tasty dimension to your preparations.

You can also use it in preparing desserts such as puddings or rice desserts.

Brown rice offers numerous culinary possibilities to satisfy all your desires.

Composition of Organic Complete Long Rice Italy, 1kg from Priméal.


Whole grain long rice*

*from organic farming

Energetic value

1,489 kj / 351 kcal


of which saturated fatty acids




with sugar







