The complete guide to spirulina - Brigitte Karleskind
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Vegetarian diet, fatigue, immunity.... Benefits and instructions for use of spirulina
• Spirulina is the star of algae. What are its real benefits and how to choose a good quality food supplement? These are the two main questions answered in this guide written by a spirulina specialist.
• Rich in nutrients (protein, iron and vitamin B12 like meat, but also in essential fatty acids, antioxidant phycocyanin, etc.), spirulina is considered a “superfood”. The World Health Organization even presents it as the best food for humanity in the 20th century.
• Based on science, the book indicates in which circumstances spirulina is beneficial and how to take it: vegetarian and vegan diet, fatigue, inflammation, reduced immunity, infections...
Release date | 13/12/2018 |
Editor | Thierry Souccar Eds |
Format | 1cm x 1cm |
Number of pages | 192 |