Boutique Pleine-Forme

Nourishing Your Gut Health, Saturday, December 9


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Conference Title: Nourishing Your Gut Health: The Path to Well-Being

Date: Saturday, December 9

Time: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: Pleine Forme store, 10 rue de la grandiere Tours

Description of the Conference:

Your gut health is the key to a balanced and healthy life. Find out how to take care of your intestine and optimize your well-being during our special conference hosted by Marie, expert in nutrition and intestinal health.

What you will learn:

  1. The Importance of the Gut: Understand why your gut is often considered “the second brain” and its crucial role in your overall health.
  2. Balanced Nutrition: Learn how food choices impact your gut health and discover foods that support a healthy microbiome.
  3. Probiotics and Prebiotics: Discover how these “intestinal friends” can strengthen your digestive system.
  4. Stress Management: Explore the links between stress and gut health, as well as stress management strategies.
  5. Practical Advice: Receive practical advice for taking care of your intestine on a daily basis.

About the Speaker:

Marie is an experienced nutritionist specializing in intestinal health. She has helped many people improve their digestion, energy and well-being through natural approaches.

Book now :

Book your place now for this essential conference on gut health. Your gut is a treasure to preserve, and this conference will show you how to do it the natural way.

Registration fee: 10 Euros

Join us on Saturday, December 9 at the Pleine Forme store to explore the fascinating world of gut health and learn how it can influence your overall well-being. Don’t miss this opportunity to take positive steps for your health.