

Discover Naturège®, a French company based in the Lyon region since 1999.

Their ethos is to exclusively design and market, in independent health food stores, effective and entirely natural technical products.

Naturège offers us a range of natural food supplements based on plants, vitamins and minerals (Phytalia® and Hydronal®), as well as complexes based on essential oils and plant active ingredients (Axafolia®). These ranges are developed around the concepts of natural nutrition, well-being and healthy living.

Naturège encourages the development of knowledge and know-how in nutrition, physiology and lifestyle thanks to our specialists in dietetics, well-being and nutrition.

Naturège products are developed with natural quality and optimal effectiveness, while prioritizing ease of use.

As a distributor of innovative dietary supplements, they respect traditional ingredients and manufacturing techniques. Naturège products are designed to improve your vitality and preserve your physiological balance.

The ingredients used are carefully selected and controlled for their content of active ingredients and their absence of pollutants. All products are manufactured with the greatest care in order to preserve 100% of the active molecules. Additional analyzes are carried out to guarantee their natural integrity.

Naturège favors packaging without unnecessary or polluting excess packaging, in order to preserve the vitality of the products and to allow cures of sufficient duration to obtain optimal results.

Naturège uses phyto-nutrients in highly assimilable and dosed forms to meet daily needs and promote harmonious physiological mechanisms. Trust Naturège for a natural approach to your well-being.

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The highest price is €38,95 Reset

30 products