Huiles Essentielles les 10 indispensables

Essential Oils, the 10 essentials!

Jan 30, 2021Cécile Carois

Essential oils are valuable allies in preventing and eradicating many everyday ailments:

Here is the list of essential essential oils to have on hand to naturally support the health hazards of our lives.

Fine lavender : The number one essential oil !!!

If there was only one, it would be this one. Also called “true lavender” or “officinale”. Queen of essential oils due to its broad spectrum of action, the most used, and the best known and rightly so! Indeed, it acts on all nervous disorders (insomnia, nervousness, sleep), painkiller and anti-inflammatory, regenerates the skin, antiseptic and antibacterial, repels mosquitoes. It is very well tolerated by young children.

How to use it : the external route is the most recommended, it can be applied pure to the skin (2 drops are enough) and is also very effective in inhalation*

Tea tree : the friend of our skin, the enemy of acne

The tea tree is a powerful anti-bacterial skin agent but also a powerful anti-fungal agent, it attacks fungi which are harmful to our skin (mycoses) and our nails. Therefore, it is the friend of adolescents by purifying their skin from unwanted spots caused by acne. Due to its antiseptic side, it can disinfect all wounds.

How to use it : Dilute 2 drops in vegetable oil to apply to the area concerned or possibility of putting 1 small pure drop in case of localized pimples (using a cotton swab for example) Pay attention to the eyes and mucous membranes however*

Spike lavender : insect bites and burns just need to behave well

The essential oil to have on vacation, in the summer or when traveling to a destination where stinging and venomous animals thrive!

Remarkable for soothing burns, stings (wasps, spiders, fleas, bees, etc.) and bites (snakes, scorpions, etc.) thanks to its disinfectant, calming and regenerating effect.

How to use it : Externally, 3 to 6 pure drops on the skin, 3 times a day

Radiated eucalyptus : Your respiratory tract will appreciate it!

It is THE remedy against ENT epidemics whether viral or bacterial (flu, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis etc...) It is a powerful essential oil antiseptic for the respiratory tract. Promotes comfort and hygiene of the bronchi, throat and nose. Helps to evacuate secretions by thinning them. Prevents the nose from running and calms coughs. It facilitates respiratory comfort by decongesting the mucous membranes and sinuses.

How to use it :

Internal : 2 drops diluted in honey 3 to 4 times/day for around ten days depending on the condition

External : A few drops diluted in a vegetable oil massage on the bronchi, in the back or under the arch of the feet once a day until the condition improves

Wintergreen : the friend of active people

Wintergreen or Wintergreen is an essential oil very popular with athletes. Notable for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory action on muscles, tendons and joints. It soothes rheumatism, locally heats the muscle and allows better circulation and therefore more flexible and relaxed movements.

How to use it : External use is required, in massage, to be diluted (2 to 4 drops depending on the surface) in a vegetable oil (arnica in synergy)

Peppermint : anti-migraine and nausea

It is a friend of the digestive system. It relieves stomach aches by helping digestion, nausea by decongesting the liver and fights bad breath. It has a detoxifying effect on all elimination organs (liver, kidneys, intestines) and boosts energy with its tonic “fresh” effect!

How to use it :

Internal : occasionally for digestive disorders and bad breath: 1 pure drop on the tongue

External : To breathe to relieve nausea and give a boost in case of fatigue

The Immortal : The bumper, bruises and dents

Immortelle or even Italian Helichrysum is excellent for effectively and quickly reducing bruises, bumps and blows due to shock, trauma and accidents. Anti-hematoma recognized for its anti-coagulant and fibrinolytic action (reduces blood clots). Tonic for blood circulation, painkiller and anti-inflammatory. It fights against tissue congestion and is a powerful skin healer.

How to use it : For external use, 2 to 8 drops diluted in arnica oil depending on the area, in penetrating massage and repeated until the pain disappears.

Thyme with thujanol : the popular anti-bacterial and infectious agent!

A universal panacea since time immemorial, there are many varieties of thyme. It is interesting to focus on the thujanol variety. Indeed, it is the essential oil of winter! It is effective for all infections from early childhood to adulthood.

It is a formidable anti-bacterial and anti-viral. It therefore protects against all winter ailments (bronchitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, ear infections, flu, etc.) by stimulating immunity and strengthening it. Also very remarkable for all oral and throat infections (angina, canker sores, gingivitis).

How to use it :

Internal : 2 drops diluted in honey under the tongue 3 times/day from the first cold over a few days (effective quickly!)

External : breathe a few drops on a tissue or by inhalation or diffusion

Ravintsara : The star of antivirals!

Virus! A word we hear a lot lately! Here's the shield you need! Ravintsara essential oil overcomes all viruses, it is essential during the bad season. It is the family essential oil for epidemics. Suitable for the whole family, even the youngest, due to its total safety and skin tolerance.

How to use it :

External : In friction, from the first cooling, pure (2 or 3 drops) or diluted in a vegetable oil, on the solar plexus, the back or the arch of the feet.

Internal : 2 drops in honey twice a day under the tongue, over a few days until you feel better

Roman Chamomile : For a more serene life!

The anti-stress par excellence, Roman chamomile, also called noble chamomile, is 100% effective against all nervous disorders (agitation, anxiety, extreme stress). Roman Chamomile essential oil relaxes the nervous system. Resolves spasms caused by annoyance. Well suited to children who it will quickly soothe. Also combats insomnia, therefore promotes good falling asleep and consolidates sleep. It also soothes nervous itching as well as all daily ailments (neuralgia, migraines, fatigue) linked to emotional shock.

How to use it :

Internal : To calm nervous conditions, migraines, 2 drops pure or diluted in honey under the tongue up to 3 times a day.

External : To soothe itching, 2 drops pure or diluted in vegetable oil twice a day, massage on the surface to be treated or on the solar plexus to relax. Inhaled, for general relaxation.

Marie, Pleine Forme aromatherapy advisor


  •   *For more in-depth information and contraindications, consult our detailed guide on conditions of use of essential oils and our advisors specialized
  •     Article inspired by the book “ my 15 oils essential ” by Danièle Festy
    Advice which does not replace medical advice, If symptoms persist, consult a doctor

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