DÉTOX! On élimine TOUT !


Jan 06, 2021Cécile Carois

The famous detox, this word is a bit “catch-all”, but what does it really mean?

In naturopathy, as we practice it and recommend it in the store, it is defined in two major stages:

First step of the detoxification treatment

We start by cutting off the source of excess. Return to a healthy, light diet, reduce your sources of stress and regulate your sleep, resume physical activity in order to achieve a good healthy lifestyle balance. This will activate our 5 emunctories (5 organs of elimination) which are: the skin, the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, the lungs, that is to say the exit doors, the elimination pathways.

It is strongly recommended during this first phase to take vitamin C which will greatly help you trap and eliminate waste (free radicals, acids) and also better support your detox. It is recommended to do it for about a week.

Second stage of the detoxification treatment

To help our body in addition to all these good instructions seen in the 1st step, you can help yourself with natural plant-based food supplements in different forms (herbal teas, capsule complexes or ampoules) either specific to the organ to be cleansed or a complete complex which will drain all the emunctories. Here is a brief summary of plants specific to each emunctory/organ.

- For the skin: burdock and wild pansy will do the trick

- The lungs will be supported in their elimination by the white broth

- Dandelion , black radish or even rosemary are friends of the liver

- Heather or even meadowsweet will promote the elimination of the kidneys

- And for the intestines/colon, we recommend aloe vera juice or even birch which will drain, eliminate acids and rehydrate the intestinal mucosa.

Finally, taking probiotics will help rebuild the intestinal flora, but not only that, we are made up of different flora (vaginal, nasal, etc.) this will contribute to a complete rebalancing. A course of 3 weeks to 1 month, 3 times a year is sufficient for prevention, but if there is a transit dysfunction, for example, a course of 3 consecutive months is necessary to regenerate the entire intestinal flora.

Quick reminder: Vegetable charcoal is recommended in cases of bloating and flatulence only, we do not recommend it for a detox cure.

For greater practicality and effectiveness, we recommend concentrated plant complexes, often in capsules in bottles or vials such as “ drain'ideal ” or “ phyto depurative ”. They have the advantage of being dosed at the right value as well as being more economical than if you buy everything separately

Recommended duration: 20-30 days

To recap: week 1: vitamin C

week 2: vitamin C + plant complex + Probiotics

week 3: vitamin C + plant complex + Probiotics

week 4: vitamin C + plant complex + Probiotics

This cure can be done 2 to 3 times a year, often at seasonal changes such as the transition from autumn to winter and from spring to summer or just after the end-of-year holidays in order to eliminate accumulated excesses.

Find our detox packs here or directly on the site

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