3 solutions naturelles pour soulager vos douleurs articulaires !

3 natural solutions to relieve your joint pain!

Dec 03, 2020Cécile Carois

When you suffer from joint pain such as rheumatism such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, it is not easy to relieve your pain.

What about natural solutions?

Here we are going to give you some ideas which can allow you to considerably reduce these!

To do this, we are going to develop three main areas that we don't necessarily think about!

-1 food supplements for pain relief

-2 the effect of heat and cold

-3 movement

1-food supplements:

Nature is full of treasures including plants, from which the natural active ingredients used in food supplements come. They have so-called “anti-inflammatory” virtues. We offer these, which will act to relieve your pain:


CBD is short for cannabidiol which is one of approximately 144 cannabinoids found in hemp.

It is, in terms of concentration, the second most present cannabinoid in this plant.

The human body has an endocannabinoid system which plays a regulatory role in our brain, our endocrine system and our immune system. The body naturally produces these endocannabinoids which bind to specific receptors, thereby regulating the body synergistically. Cannabinoids from the cannabis plant (phytocannabinoids) can also bind to these receptors, creating the effects sought by patients who take medical CBD to reduce their pain.

Therapeutic potential of CBD

-Through experiments, we were able to discover that CBD could act as:

- Fast-acting antidepressant

- Painkiller linked to inflammation or nerve damage

- Protector of neurons by effectively capturing free radicals

- Anti-epileptic

- Anti cancer cells in breast cancer, prostate and brain cancer.

- Reduces the risk of developing diabetes

- Promotes sleep

- Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease prevention

- Joint and skin anti-inflammatory


Curcuma longa originates from India and has been recognized for millennia by Ayurvedic medicine. The spice is extracted from its powdered roots, used for its taste and color in cooking. It is above all very appreciated by many health professionals for its various therapeutic virtues. Indeed, the active ingredient in turmeric , curcumin, is a powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and an excellent protector of the liver and intestinal system.

It is one of the major anti-inflammatories in natural health!

It is often combined with black pepper or ginger for better assimilation by the body.

The benefits of turmeric:

- Antioxidant

- Anti-parasitic, viral and bacterial

- Powerful anti-inflammatory and cell regenerating in cases of osteoarthritis, tendinitis, sciatica or even cancer.

- Liver and intestinal protector.

Be careful when used in cooking, turmeric loses its active ingredients as well as when exposed to light.


Harpagophytum is a plant of African origin and is largely gathered in the wild regions of Namibia and Botswana. Namibia alone accounts for 40% of world production.

In naturopathy, its use is mainly focused on helping to relieve joint pain.

The benefits of harpagophytum:

- Eliminates joint and muscle pain.

- Maintains mobility and flexibility of joints, muscles and tendons.

2-The effect of heat and cold:

Both heat and cold play an important role in regulating pain, let’s see how.

It is said that :

The application of heat (for example using a hot water bottle) has a relaxing effect.

The application of cold (e.g. ice) has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Heat or cold should be applied for at least 15 minutes straight to allow deep penetration. The skin must be protected from extreme heat and cold. For example, ice should be placed in a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel.

Heat treatment

Heat is vasodilator, it increases blood circulation and softens connective tissue. Its relaxing action is beneficial on:

-stiffness, spasms, muscle contractures

-cramps, stiff necks

-menstrual pain, back and neck pain.

Heat can be applied to the surface of the body or to deep tissues. Hot compresses, infrared radiation, heating gels (GSA gel) and balneotherapy (moving hot water) provide superficial heat. It is possible to generate heat in deep tissues using high frequency sound waves (ultrasound).

Cold treatment

Conversely, cold is a vasoconstrictor. Its anesthetic and anti-inflammatory actions are beneficial on:

-Sprains, strains and prevents edema (joint swelling).

-Strains, strains

-Joint inflammations


Cold can be applied by an ice pack, or in the form of liquids (such as gsil freeze gel) which cool by evaporation.

For osteoarthritis pain, the ideal would be to apply heat and cold. Let me explain, the pain begins with joint inflammation (of the knees for example) so it will be necessary to apply cold to the knee joint. And as this inflammation will force the body to compensate, by contracting the muscles around the knees, it will also be necessary to apply heat (around the knees) to relax the muscle mass.

3-The movement:

Contrary to what one might think, it is advisable to continue to practice regular physical activity. Movement is a main player in the quality of our bones and cartilage, just like our muscles.
However, not all sports are recommended; running, zumba or any sports that cause repeated shocks and damage to the foot should be avoided.
We recommend activities such as: walking, swimming, so-called “gentle” gyms.
When you wake up, don't hesitate to make gentle, circular and slow movements to improve the mobility of the body and joints including the neck, shoulders, elbows, knees and fingers!
If you feel intense heat, it is advisable to stop.

Julien, Full Fitness Advisor.

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