Mycothérapie, à la découverte des champignons qui soignent.

Mycotherapy, discovering healing mushrooms.

Aug 19, 2021Cécile Carois

Today we are going to take a closer look at what mycotherapy is, when to use it, how to choose the right supplement and which mushrooms to use depending on the pathologies.

Mycotherapy or mushrooms for therapeutic purposes, what are they?

Mycotherapy is all mushrooms with a proven and recognized therapeutic effect.

In the East, and particularly in China, mushrooms with curative properties are highly appreciated and used for millennia for the treatment of different diseases. From the 1960s, traditional Chinese medicine began to arouse great interest in the West, which propelled research into the field of therapeutic mushrooms in Europe.

China is considered the birthplace of mycotherapy as well as the study of mushrooms in general. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia uses up to 270 different mushrooms for therapeutic purposes.

In what forms should mushrooms be used in naturopathy?

In food supplements, mycotherapy is made from certified organic mushroom powder. It can be presented in the form of powder or encapsulated carpophore, preferably using vegetable capsules. It is possible to open the capsule and consume the contents with yogurts, creams or even soups. There are also ampoules, but generally with a lower dose than capsules, but often less expensive as well.

Please note, we recommend refusing the tablets since in their preparation, high temperatures are used which can affect the active ingredients. There are preparations composed of a single mushroom or several, thus working in synergy to reinforce the effectiveness.

Currently, modern techniques allow us to develop extracts with the capacity to recover water-soluble and fat-soluble compounds to which it is possible to add a fraction of the entire ultra-micronized mushroom (ground to a very small size, while causing a breakdown of the cell membranes for the release of molecules present inside). In this way, the active ingredients can be concentrated in capsules containing between 200 and 500 mg of extract, which is equivalent to the consumption of several liters of decoction.

How to choose the right food supplement for mycotherapy?

To be effective and of quality, a mycotherapy food supplement must meet 5 criteria:

1-The cultivation of mushrooms must be of organic quality.

2-The preparation must be prepared carefully before the process of drying, molding and storage.

3-The extraction must be of quality to avoid any possible contamination and by controlling the processes which can affect the stability of the molecules.

4-Analyses must be present on the packaging, thus guaranteeing the level of active ingredient (standardized title or extract).

5-Excipients or other substances must also be mentioned on the label.

This is where we come in, our job is to know how to recognize a good food supplement, well thought out and well developed in order to offer you the best.

This is why we chose the Hifas da Terra laboratory with its MicoSalud range as well as the Vit'all+ Laboratory.

What are the active ingredients contained in mushrooms?

The most common molecules present in almost all medicinal mushrooms are:

-Beta glucans

-Glycoproteins and proteoglycans






Active ingredients and their absorption

Beta glucans are the most important bioactive molecules contained in medicinal mushrooms, they help regulate the immune system and are essential for the normal development of vital functions.

As they are resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach, they are able to reach the intestine without undergoing any change. However, their large molecular weights and rigid structures hinder their absorption. In order to improve the bioavailability of beta glucans as well as other active ingredients, it is strongly recommended to take substances that help their solubilization.

At the intestinal level, the combination of bicarbonate and vitamin C causes a process of reverse osmosis, which involves a major release of water and therefore, an increase in the absorption of the active ingredients.

It is therefore essential to combine the intake of medicinal mushrooms with vitamin C in levorotatory L-ascorbic form ( vitamin C + Bicarbonate ).

6 mushrooms frequently used in naturopathy and their benefits.


Scientific name: grifola frondosa

The Japanese name “Maïtaké” literally means “dancing mushroom”, which could be due to its shape. Indeed, in the wild, Maïtaké forms a massive and aggregated fruiting body that can reach a size of 20 to 60 cm and weigh up to 10 kg. Its overlapping gray-brown hats create a fan-shaped mosaic like traditional Japanese dances. In addition, this mushroom has always been appreciated for its good taste and its beneficial effects, mushroom pickers would have done a dance of joy when they found a beautiful specimen. This could also be the origin of the name.

Therapeutic actions demonstrated:

-Activation of the immune system




-Anti-inflammatory and analgesic




-Weight control

For which pathologies?

Hypertriglyceridemia, tumor recurrence, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, obesity, immunological deficiency, viral infections, hepatitis B, hypertension, cancer.

Maïtake product sheet


scientific name: Lentinula edodes

The best known medicinal mushroom

Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is a mushroom appreciated both for its taste qualities and for its use as a medicinal mushroom in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In France, you can also find it under the names: oak lentin, Chinese mushroom or black mushroom. This mushroom is fragrant (explained by its undergrowth smell).

Furthermore, “Shii-Take” literally means “oak mushroom”, in reference to the tree on which we most often find it in nature. This arboreal fungus is a typical primary decomposer whose substrate is its carbon source.

It is among the most cultivated mushrooms with the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). Thus, Shiitake comes in second place among the most consumed edible mushrooms in the world.

Therapeutic actions demonstrated:

-Activation of the immune system







-Action against sexual impotence and low libido, increased fertility

-Regulatory hormone

-Eliminates bacteria causing plaque and tooth decay

For which pathologies?

Helicobacter pylori, gingivitis, caries, candidiasis, eczemas, gout, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, metabolic acidosis, neoplasia, libido deficit, cancer

Shiitake product sheet


Scientific name: Ganoderma lucidium

The mushroom of immortality

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) or Glowing Ganoderma is one of the best-known medicinal mushrooms in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In Asia, it is a symbol of longevity and luck. Furthermore, he is also known under the names Ling Zhi in China or Youngzhi in Japan.

In some parts of the world, the preparation of “Ling Zhi” was and still is considered to have healing properties for the body and mind. Reishi does indeed contain certain bioactive components which could be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of various diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and even cancer. As a mushroom with adaptogenic properties, TCM lends it immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties...

Reishi is rich in nutrients and contains more than 200 bioactive molecules, including ergosterols, polysaccharides (such as beta-glucans) and triterpenes.

Therapeutic actions demonstrated:

-Strengthening the immune system






-Improved blood oxygenation


-Anti senility

-Adaptogenic, relaxing and stabilizing the nervous system

For which pathologies?

Photosensitivity, symptoms of aging, anxiety, exhaustion and fatigue, menopause, thyroid disorders, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, allergies, autoimmune diseases, immunological deficiency, hepatitis A and B, chronic inflammation, cancer

Reishi product sheet


Scientific name: cordyceps sinensis

The Chinese caterpillar fungus, more commonly known as Cordyceps, lives as a parasite in the caterpillars of various small butterfly species, initially continuing to grow inside the host after infestation. At the final stage of its development, the fungus takes control of the caterpillar, which then burrows into the ground and dies. The fruiting body of the Cordyceps then emerges from the former host.

The fruiting body of Cordyceps can reach 15 cm long and resembles a club. The size of the fruiting body, which then also contains the spores for reproduction, depends on the nature of the host caterpillar.

Producers of the latter are therefore obliged to use a bioreactor to multiply.

Therapeutic actions demonstrated:

-Increase in general vitality

-Activation of the immune system



-Kidney protector



-Stimulates respiratory functions


-Anti senility

-Anti depressant

-Improves resistance to fatigue

For which pathologies?

Age-related symptoms, infertility, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, convalescence, body aches, kidney failure, hepatitis C, cancer, lymphoma, bladder cancer, kidney cancer

Cordyceps product sheet


scientific name: agaricus subrufescens peck or agaricus blazei murrill

Agaricus blazei Murrill was named in 1947 after American taxonomist Dr. Murrill, although it is not the oldest scientific name for the fungus. In fact, Agaricus subrufescens is correct, but rarely used. The mushroom had been known in Brazil for some time, as indigenous populations in certain regions place great value on it, and researchers became aware of this inconspicuous mushroom very early on.

As a secondary decomposer, Sun Fungus is often found on manure or compost piles and has a cream to brown color. This medicinal mushroom belongs to the Agaricus mushroom family and is often considered the American cousin of the white mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). However, the two mushrooms are distinguished from each other by their compositions and their indications.

Therapeutic actions demonstrated:



-Kidney protector



-Stimulates respiratory functions



-Anti allergic and anti histamine




For which pathologies?

liver dysfunction, solid tumors, mutagenic lesions, allergies, thyroid disorders, systemic lupus erythematosus, candidiasis, cancer treatments.

Agaricus product sheet

Hericium or Lion's Mane

scientific name: hericium erinaceus

An atypical medicinal mushroom

In France, we commonly find this medicinal mushroom under the name Lion's mane. During your research, you may also find it under other common names such as hedgehog hydne or simply bearded mushroom.

In Latin, Herinaceus literally means "hedgehog", this etymology is reflected in some English common names such as "Hedgehog Mushroom". In Japan, H. erinaceus is known as Yamabushitake, Yamabushi literally means “mountain priest”. In China, it is even more original since this mushroom has a name which means “monkey head”…

Therapeutic actions demonstrated:

-Regenerative of the intestinal mucosa

-Stimulates neuronal renewal


-Powerful anti oxidant

For which pathologies?

Digestive pathologies, leaky gut syndrome, food intolerances, inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis, gastric ulcer, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia, cancer anemia .

Hericium product sheet


Consult your doctor or therapist:

-If you are taking medications, especially blood thinners

-In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

-Before administering mushroom-based food supplements to children under 6 years of age, consult your doctor or therapist

-It is recommended to stop taking mushroom extracts a few days before a surgical operation or dental extractions

-Do not take if you are allergic to mushrooms.

Sheets of all therapeutic mushroom products.

For more information, do not hesitate to post your questions in comments or by telephone.

The Pleine Forme team

sources: -

-12 medicinal mushrooms from Juan v. Mirre Gavalda and Catalina Fernandez de Ana portela

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