Conseils pour perdre du poids sainement et rôles des plantes dans la minceur

Tips for healthy weight loss and the role of plants in slimming

Apr 10, 2021Cécile Carois

Practical advice, roles of plants and food supplements in effective weight loss

As you know, as the sunny days approach, some of us want to find a shape or a sharp silhouette! And for that we have to lose weight .
From feedback, we know that many of you make many mistakes in your diets and their choices of associated supplements.
In this article, we will give you advice that will allow you to lose weight sustainably or lose weight without depriving yourself and by adopting a healthy and balanced diet.
We are going to talk more about dietary rebalancing than diet.

1-Set a realistic course for your weight loss

Rebalancing your diet is never an easy thing, first of all because you will question your nutritional habits and above all because you will have to prepare yourself to stick to your new habits over the long term. We are going to give you some tips to avoid stress and anxiety when losing weight.

Analyze your body shape and set achievable goals.
It is estimated that in the context of rebalancing, the average healthy weight loss is around 500 grams per week.

2-Move more, essential for losing weight

Physical activity , in addition to strengthening your heart, lungs and muscles, will greatly help you evacuate stored fat . You may not know it, but it is through breathing that fat is mainly evacuated. In fact, fat is evacuated in the form of carbon dioxide (through breathing) and in the form of water (through perspiration and urine).
So by accelerating the metabolism through sport or physical activity, this will help you lose fat and lose weight.
The rise in body temperature will initiate what is called lipolysis or thermogenesis, that is to say the burning of fat mass.
Small reminder: choose a gentle sporting activity (walking, cycling, swimming, gentle gym, etc.) in 45-minute sessions 3 times a week.

3-Eat diversified and balanced to stabilize your weight

It is essential and often reminded to establish a varied, balanced and quality diet :

Varied: eating a wide variety of different foods will allow you to obtain all the rich nutrients you need on a daily basis and to enjoy tasting a wide range of ingredients: no frustration, no boredom, a guarantee of sustainable weight loss!
Quality: eating healthy, unprocessed, organic and/or local and seasonal foods are the guarantors of quality food , nutritional richness to provide you with everything your body needs for a fair expenditure of food. 'energy. No storage therefore balance and maintenance of weight.
Balanced: make sure to respect a meal structure, adopt good food combinations (to be adapted according to lifestyle, age, physical activity and state of health), respect the proportions corresponding to you and Listening to your feelings of hunger and satiety will help you limit snacking and cravings and help you stay in shape .
If necessary and for more information, do not hesitate to make a naturopathy or personalized dietetic consultation.

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4- Food supplements and plants as weight aids

What do we actually expect from a natural slimming aid in the context of weight loss?
Depending on the food supplement chosen, the effects on your body will be different. In fact, some will allow you to cut or at least reduce the feeling of hunger and therefore reduce your daily calorie intake . Others will drain the body and promote the elimination of toxins through natural channels. Finally, the other fat-burning effect will increase body temperature and promote the elimination of fat mass.
Due to these associated beneficial slimming effects, you will find real allies in them, complementary to the advice above.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of these different families of food supplements:

1-Natural fat burners:

Green Tea : Known for its slimming properties , green tea is one of the best natural fat burners . Thanks to the theanine it contains, it helps reduce the feeling of hunger and avoid snacking. Diuretic, it promotes the elimination of bad toxins. Finally, its thermogenic action increases body temperature, thus promoting the release of fat and weight loss.

Thanks to its caffeine content which is gradually released in the body, guarana helps stimulate fat burning and boost metabolism. Widely used by athletes during a period of muscle loss, this plant increases motivation, endurance and performance. This adrenaline boost allows you to burn fat more quickly and facilitate weight loss!

L-carnitine (amino acid):
L-Carnitine is a dietary supplement generally consumed by athletes looking to lose weight and improve their sporting performance. Popular since the 80s, l-carnitine has over time become a safe reference for burning fat while improving endurance capabilities.

2-Natural appetite suppressant:

Konjac :
To help you lose weight naturally , know that you can count on the help of konjac. Composed of water and fiber, konjac has a powerful and rapid satiating effect . As a result, it induces a greater feeling of satiety without adding calories to your counter. Konjac is a natural appetite suppressant that plays an important role in your appetite and therefore in your weight loss.

Gymnema sylvestris :
Gymnema Sylvestris or Sylvestre is an Ayurvedic plant used for centuries in Indian medicine. Known and recognized, it helps curb the appetite and reduce the desire for sweet foods . It will become your ideal partner in your quest for weight loss or simply for better food hygiene.

Nopal (prickly pear)
Nopal or prickly pear is a natural appetite suppressant that is very useful for limiting cravings and snacking. It is also a very good antioxidant, it also relieves gastrointestinal pain.

3- The Drainers:

Birch sap : It will drain the emunctories which are the kidneys, lungs, liver, intestines and skin. With each change of season, it helps eliminate toxins and due to its richness in minerals and trace elements, it allows complete remineralization .

Linden sapwood :
It is an excellent diuretic and renal depurative.
Due to the presence of fraxoside, lime sapwood is a diuretic . In the event of edema, water retention or even cellulite , it de-infiltrates the tissues and eliminates excess water from the body.

There are also complexes that combine several of these appetite suppressants or fat burners; you can find them by clicking here or on the thumbnail below.

slimming selection

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